Colonel John Butler (Niagara) Branch member Michael Earnest Coleman UE, proudly exhibits his Loyalist Certificate for his ancestor Lieutenant Joshua Currie, UEL, of the 49th Loyal American Regiment.
CJB President Dale Flagler UE with Rod Lundy UE, who is receiving his certificate for his ancestor Thomas Silverthorn UEL.
Genealogist Rod Craig and CJB President Dale Flagler UE with Sandra Lemon UE, who is receiving her certificate for her ancestor Leonard Misener UEL.
CJB VP and Branch Genealogist Wendy Broda UE along with President Dale Flagler UE present Linda (Coleman) Volpini UE with certificates for both her and her daughter Christina Volpini UE, for their ancestor Joshua Currie UEL. To the right of Linda is Lucille Coleman receiving a certificate on behalf of her husband, Paul Coleman UE, for his ancestor Joshua Currie UEL.
Branch President Dale Flagler and Branch Genealogist Wendy Broda with John Kyle UE (right), receiving his Loyalist certificate for his ancestor Charles Green UEL, and Joe Kyle UE (left), accepting a certificate on behalf of his son Donald Kyle UE, also for his ancestor Charles Green UEL.